Paul O'Grady

“I think this Wetnose Day event is a terrific idea and long overdue, you know what I think of animals and this would go a long way to helping many smaller centres who need more support, yes count me in!”

Paul O'Grady

Celebrity Messages


Jenny Seagrove

Wetnose is terribly important to us smaller Charities in a world where fundraising is getting harder and animals are being routinely abused. They were there for Mane Chance when we needed help in our infancy and hopefully they will be there for us and so many others, in the future. I salute their work and am grateful for their support.


Joanna Lumley OBE

We are a nation of animal lovers, yet our animal sanctuaries are always full to bursting with abandoned and ill treated animals. I’ve been Patron of the Farm Animal Sanctuary for 20 years and still find the stories of some of the ill treated and neglected animals who are lucky enough to find their way there so upsetting. It shouldn’t be happening. For all of the animals who find their way to a Sanctuary this is the start of a new life for them, an end to the suffering and just not being wanted anymore, so please, please do all you can to support Wetnose in the wonderful work they are doing to help raise much needed funds to keep all these Sanctuaries going. Your support does count very much, and without the help of Wetnose the struggle to keep funds coming in would be even more difficult.


Brian May

These awards are an important part of the growing movement to give animals the respect we need to learn to give them. It is a moral necessity to change our attitudes to other creatures on this planet, just as it was a moral necessity to abolish slavery . . and the very future of the Human race depends on making this change in our behaviour. I am honoured to be part of the Wetnose awards.


Rick Wakeman

Whilst animals care so much for us humans, it’s sad that some humans don’t care as much for animals in return, but for those of us that do care; we need to raise as much money as possible to help those animals who so desperately need our support. It’s a simple process. We raise money to relieve them from suffering and they in return give us happiness, love and fulfilment in our lives.


Vicki Michelle

Animals play an invaluable role in so many of our lives whether it be young children or the more senior among us. They are wonderful companions, give us help and support as in guide dogs for the blind and hearing dogs for the deaf, or protection as in the police force and armed services. The list goes on. Above all they trust us without question and ask for nothing in return except to be loved. We owe them a great deal not least respect. No one should harm another living creature or see them suffer and that’s why we need to do all we can to help our animal friends.

David Essex

David Essex

supports Wetnose Day
Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy

supports Wetnose Day
Sir Paul McCartney


supports Wetnose Day
Sam Bailey

Sam Bailey

supports Wetnose Day
Chris Packham

Chris Packham

supports Wetnose Day
Jenny Seagrove

Jenny Seagrove

supports Wetnose Day
Lee Pearson MBE

Lee Pearson

supports Wetnose Day
Lorraine Chase

Lorraine Chase

supports Wetnose Day
Peter Egan

Peter Egan

supports Wetnose Day
Richard Symonds

Richard Symonds

supports Wetnose Day
Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais

supports Wetnose Day
Rula Lenska

Rula Lenska

supports Wetnose Day

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