Urgent Appeal

First Covid19

Social distancing restrictions have had a dramatic effect on all of our lives, and with our animals too. They’ve affected how we care for our pets too, from how we exercise dogs to what veterinary care we can access; and they have also had a direct, acute and serious impact on pet rehoming centres, and one that has generated a knock-on effect for the past 2 years.
This may spell disaster for some Rescue Centres, who are full to capacity, short of funds, and struggling to cope even in normal times. Many of these Rescued pets now have behavioural problems because of the lack of exercise, social gatherings, and some dogs now have separation anxiety too, all extra work for staff.


Now with high costs of food, veterinary treatment, supplies, electricity, washing blankets the list is endless. Reptiles Centres have seen a 60% increase in people re-homing their pets because of electricity prices for heating tanks etc.
All this means it’s a perfect storm for our hard working and dedicated Rescue Centres, the emotional as well as financial stress is going through the roof.

Wetnose helps all centres from Hedgehogs to Horses, so please help with funds or do an event to help us. I know everyone is struggling but so are the voiceless. You can pay by paypal on our website www.wetnoseanimalaid.com

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